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Caravan Interior Deep Clean

So... after a message with a customer who told us they needed a caravan cleaning we were more than happy to offer our services and we are so pleased to offer this to the portfolio!!!

The caravan had been left for 3 years in barn storage and animals had run riot in it (shall we say). The owner requested it be disinfected, deep cleaned and freshened up with a thorough hoover throughout and in a much better state ready for use!

We started in the kitchen first, hoovering from roof to floor. We sprayed products on and left to dwell which lifted dirt and stubborn debris. This made cleaning time much quicker and easier. The whole cabin had a thorough scrub and then MORE hoovering.

Once the hoovering had been completed the whole cabin was then disinfected to leave a fresh and clean fragrance.

Bathroom next! Hoovered again from top to bottom and disinfected throughout. Bi-carbonate of soda is a dream for lifting stubborn and every day dirt. It isn't too harsh and just perfect for those every day uses. Plus... some splashes of Zoflora. Mrs Hinch eat your heart out!!

Living room area, all cupboards opened, rubbish removed and then hoovered. We then sprayed deodoriser to freshen up the scent and leaving a dust free finish.

To finish off we wiped down windows and ledges using a smear free product, hoovered down cushions, scrubbed and mopped the floor leaving a fantastic finish to the caravan giving it a new lease of life!!

Certainly one for you to admire the before and after photos!

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