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VW Transporter - Returning Customer Maintenance Bundle

Returning customer this time in for our maintenance package with added extra of having the interior done. The customer benefitted from our loyalty scheme due to having their vehicles carried out numerous times so this was done at no cost or convenience at all.

We began by hoovering the interior and all trims to lift dirt, dust and mud and then wiped down with a scrubber and all purpose cleaner which left a lemon fragrance. All floor trims were wiped down. Door shuts cleaned and glass wiped.

The exterior then received a snowfoam with added citrus pre wash in to the mixture due to the vehicle being heavily covered in mud and general road grime. This was left to dwell and then pressure rinsed off which allowed us to move on to the contact wash using the two bucket method.

Once complete the vehicle was pat dried then gone over with a plush microfibre cloth to remove any water spots. Tyres and exterior trim were dressed in a slight gloss enhancing product, exterior glass wiped and wheel faces cleaned.

Great turnaround for the working week ahead!

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